Dream Journal

This is my journal of my dreams. I got this amazing idea from www.dreamviews.com and you should check it out. Feel free to comment, everybody dreams weird things sometimes, and you only remember the weirdest ones most of the time!

Friday, August 21, 2009

This is kinda surreal because some of the time I'm me, and some of the time I'm only playing from the outside.
General theme: warhammer (a game). I am first myself in the game ? and being chased by necrons or something. Once I get to the basement of the house I'm in, it sorta morphs into me playing an RTS computer version except with real miniatures or something... anyway. I get almost wiped out by one army, then they retreat and I try and rebuild my necron base except I don't know how the system works, how to get upgrades or even build new units. I'm clicking randomly then I get my scarabs to go gather resources, and suddenly one of them turns into something that looks like the nightbringer. He was going to help make more scarabs or give me upgrades or something..???

I dunno. It's all kinda fuzzy

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am working with my mom at her house, on the driveway helping to move things to the curb for garbage day. I move the compost first because it's almost full and I look and see others with compost bins out so I know it'll get taken today.

Then I start trying to move the random garbage all over the place. In the bins, yes, in bags, but also in a truck and in her car. The garbage guys come around with their truck and actually help us out a little, making sure we get all the garbage in. I then talk to the guy in the truck from before; it's a moving truck. Don't know what he said or anything.. don't remember..

Switch: I am in my apartment with what seemed to me like "friends" from the military (hence, testerone-filled guys with dicks for heads and assholes for mouths). They were trying to burn a hole or something down the side of my window, claiming that they'll get better internet if they hack into the wiring or something. They had a wood burning-kit kinda thing; a heated drill or something. I said to them "the only way to get better internet is to go to a different ISP" and someone agreed, but they kept burning away, so finally I snapped.

"Stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW!!" I screamed, and went on a bit about them stopped before going into the room they were in and then the guy waved the heated drill in my face to I staggered back and screamed some more. I assume they stopped, because that's where it ends.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I sure am worrying about mason. Dreamt again that he was home early, this time because Eva was uncomfortable or something! Sheesh, I can't wait til they're back... it'll be such a relief. And less loneliness...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My roommate is proposing to his girlfriend on friday, and I guess that got me thinking because I dreamed MY boyfriend proposed to me. I know already that it's highly likely that we'll get married, so I casually said yes in my dream. He then presented the engagement ring, and it was the funniest thing: it had a silver band, and the middle, funnily enough, looked like a mood ring (green) with a little extra "depth" to it, like a flat crystal. I remember gawking over it a bit, then doing some other stuff... yeah..

Friday, August 14, 2009

OK, so last night I had a dream... obviously!

It was about me sneaking around behind "enemy lines". I was in some sort of war, who knows! All I know is that I'll be wandering around this neighbourhood and see enemies (which I could tell only by instinct; they weren't in army clothes or uniforms) and I would find these random things like giant guns hanging out around, say, a bike rack.

Once or twice I got noticed and had to run run run. I finally got stopped and cornered. I asked "please, quick and painless, quick and painless!" while I cowered in a corner. One girl decided the best way to make it quick was to inject me with something.. I didn't like that idea and broke the needle. I don't think they shot me because I got away again, into the woods or something.

I ran for a while, and then it switched to me running over the water. Yay, jesus moment? I was running away from the naval ships, jumping over them, you name it. Didn't seem like I was getting anywhere.

That's all I remember. There was more (isn't there, always?)

Monday, August 03, 2009

OK, for a while now I have noticed some of my scariest dreams climax with me waking up and having a really bad twitch - in my back, my side, somewhere like that. Probably just an itch that got worse, but I'm not sure. It feels really weird. Sometimes it starts before I wake up, and in my dream I am either paralyzed from it or convulsing in some manner.

In this dream I'm watching a video with some unknown friend. It's about ghosts that can kill. I think there's about four of them, though I only remember two. The first one, when they attack you, make you paralyzed or hurt in some way, and you don't die 'til two days later. Very horrible, torturous way to die. The second was the last ghost, supposedly the scariest and most powerful - maybe because he was more commonly seen or something. Who knows. But anyway, we watch a home video where the ghost is visible through the camera. It's a family eating: there's two parents, three kids I believe, and a grandmother in another room. Then the ghost appears - a man with sunglasses, black hair and a 2-day old scruff. He seems like a punk, chewing ghost gum and acting all cool. Anyway, he first breaks a plate and one of the girls freaks out: "The ghost broke this plate! The plate is broken!" Very repetitive. Anyway, now the family is kinda scared. The two sisters need to take some plates of food out to the compost, and on the way out the grandma says "Are you two alright?" or something like that. You know something bad it going to happen, since the ghost is following them. They continue, and run from the house to the green compost bin. They get the food in, but on the way back the little one staggers and falls. The older one goes to help, then is also struck.

At this point, I am also struck - with that twitch as justification for my involvement in the dream - and I get struck twice, yet don't die. I figure out, in the dream, that instead of dying from ghosts I am fated to live through attacks by them all my life. Kinda creepy! The twitching is really bad in the dream, I convulse twice - it feels really weird, especially since the second time I wake up halfway through and some of my muscles under my arm are freaking out.

-- for anyone that's reading this blog, I apologize for my inactivity. I recently lost the awesome little dream diary (it's somewhere... just, well, somewhere I can't find it..) I use to write my dreams right after I wake up. Also, a lot of my dreams have been broken and very hard to remember, most of the time I merely remember I had a dream. So, sorry for that, living (and sleeping) with a boyfriend has changed my sleeping habits a bit!