started off with someobody showing me a YouTube video, happens a lot these days. The youtube video was a cartoon, and it looked like it was from the hobbits book. They (one of my friends maybe) called it something, it was a certain chapter or part of the book. Then I ended up IN the video, so it looks like surreal life now. There are hobbit-like characters, though I think they're alter called dwarves, and they are stealing all the christmas presents from the house and tossing them in a bag on the roof to run away with. I don't know if I tried to stop them (I wanted to). The world has an FFVII/RPG-feel to it, maybe there were some references to an FF game or something.
I'm now in a wal-mart kinda place and I'm looking at this little section where there's a few things of food from Dairy Queen or something. I guess I'm supposed to be in a restaraunt except the food is 0n metal display baskets and there's only one or two of them and no cash or table, it's exactly like in wal-mart. I hear a disembodied voice talking about the food, and then they talk about drivers (maybe going thru the "drive-thru"?) and how they can't have this awesome food - then they repeat this phrase: "peanut butter, ice cream, chips - awesomification." I eventually say it, too I think.
I'm in my apartment but it looks different. I am first sitting, maybe, on the couch, maybe. Evan talks about how she can't to Capoeira in this space, and I lok at her: she's in the typical Capoeria stance and little red things are marking the space she nees for her feet, though the room looks more like it's supposed to be for Tae-Kwon Do. Anyways, I'm trying to move around furniture so I can do tae-kwon do too. I lift a table with my head (from underneath) to move it (this is reference to when I moved my own table; it's broekn and if you drag it the legs fall off). and I get it eventually right into the corner. (my jaw hurts here, too). I get out and ask nathan if that's good. No response from him really. Then the table turns into a different table and there's a seond table which is the table tht's supposed to be moved first. I just kinda stare at it.
Later, maybe? I'm in our/greg's room and greg is playing a shooting game with a pistol kinda like that duck hunt rifle except it's a pistol. And yet it's a racing game but he's shooting stuff. Whatever. The screen, a little square screen with a very long back end to the thing (kinda like a radar gun or something) is moving with greg's aiming except not really in the right direction, it's not even in his view when I come it, it pivots over later so I can see it. Greg is maiing racing noices (nyeaaaaah!)
I'm in my mom's house, in the bathroom and I pull out of of my teeth! It was supposedly loose and fell out, it looks like a baby tooth. Underneath the REALLY HURTS. (I was leaning on my jaw with my hand when I was sleeping and dreaming this; do dreams ever exaggerate things!) There is a hint of another tooth comin up, I poke it or some thing and the tooth comes up. It's big, square and has black parts of it in the back. The black parts hurt A LOT. I call my gransparents (visual of my going through my contacts list on my cell phone) Then when grammie comes one I ask "can I speak to grampie please" except my lips are now bloated like I got from the freezing from the dentist when they pull out a tooth. She goes on about a number to call related to the subject mortgage (maybe they're talking with their mortgage advisor?) I'm rooting around with a few papers and can't find the number to use. I scan through the list and see weird names and things I don't remember.
Wake up.