Mike gives me two drums - a set - they look like toy drums, yellow, with clown faces on them. Soon I am berated with bad "dreams" of two teenage girls torturing me - holding me down, huritng me, but nothing serious like cutting limbs off or anything. Mainly just bullying me. I tell mike. He said that before he gave the drums to me he had asked the spirits to look after me (hold me, hug me, maybe?) He guesses it went horribly wrong. We are in a big building (like a train station or something, a public centre.) with school buses in front. Scene change - I'm in the house and mom is going through some boxes. She takes out a large, long, plastic sheetlike object and starts to put it back. Mike takes it out - "I'm going to hang pictures with it (for that's what it's for). Supposedly it's to help me (who knows how). Back to the building, and as we leave Bill Cosby looks at me (by some doors) with an all-knowing smile. Back inside, upstairs on a balcony of some sort, I see those twin sprits outside and they see me and start screaming. Mike hears the screams (don't know if he can see the two though). He asks for tea with cream or something. I go down to find the cafeteria and ask a bus drive (in one of the school buses outside) where I can buy tea, all the while I'm scared because I'm outside with the spirits. The driver says "I dunno, I don't know if that guy(teaseller??) is in today.."
Dream Journal
This is my journal of my dreams. I got this amazing idea from www.dreamviews.com and you should check it out. Feel free to comment, everybody dreams weird things sometimes, and you only remember the weirdest ones most of the time!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
1. I'm upstairs in the bathroom and I drop a drop of acid on the counter and it burns a hole (small one) all the way downstairs and my mom told me that it went through the clock on the wall down there. from I look down the hole and see snow down there. I also see there's some football player guy downstairs. I jump down the hole (which accomidates my size). I say "that's not outside," or something. That football player is digging (witha shovel?) in the snow.
2. I have to clean a sink in a house (it's either newly built and not finished or under rennovation). Before I get there I have to wash my pants so I run to the house to get another pair (previous pair already off...). Some guy with an accent congradulates me for getting some pants on. In the house I look in one of the rooms and it's full of roled-up bills of money. I take one to the bathroom and it unrolls into 2 bills. I go out and call all 3 of grammie and grampie's cell phones (they actually own none) they know it's me so they hang all them up except one. I ask where mom is, shes not home. Grammie starts (in a dramatic singsong voice) telling me to write it down on a typewriter, it'll be in the papers "when the sun comes up!"